Inertia Studios
Moving People, Brands
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Exhilarating Bounce

info For launch of their AW24 campaign, Inertia Studios partnered with False9 and PumaRunning to create a series of vibrant, energetic stills and films, heroing individual shoes from their new range.
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MagMax Stills Puma Running by Inertia Studios

Communicating extreme propulsion and bounce was the key for Mag Max - Puma's new range of cushioning running shoes. Through our extensive R&D process we unlocked an ownable design language that communicates the products key benefit in a playful and unexpected way.

MagMax Stills Puma Running 02 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Stills Puma Running 03 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Stills Puma Running 04 by Inertia Studios
MagMax_v45_0038MagMax Stills Puma Running 05 by Inertia Studios
MagMax_v45_0038MagMax Stills Puma Running 06 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 07 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 08 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 09 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 10 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 11 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 12 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 13 by Inertia Studios
MagMax Puma Running 14 by Inertia Studios


Client: Puma Running
Agency: False9
Design, Direction and Production: Inertia Studios
Sound and Music: Zelig Sound

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